马斯克“救火”特斯拉 带来一个好消息一个坏消息

  • 2018-10-05 11:48
  • 网易智能



  西雅图资本投资公司Zevenbergen Capital Investments自特斯拉IPO以来就一直持有该股,“从过往的历史来看,波动性会带来很好的入场机会,目前来看,我们认为特斯拉的产品需求前景依然强劲,并没有变化。”Zevenbergen投资组合经理约瑟夫⋅丹尼森(Joseph Dennison)指出,“我仍然相信他们过去给出的产能目标和展望。由于对生产时间表一直都很乐观,他们最后总是能够达到预期目标。”(定西)


  It has been extremely difficult to pass the 2000 vehicles per week rate for Model 3, but we are finally there. If things go as planned today, we will comfortably exceed that number over a seven day period!

  Moreover, the whole Tesla production system? is now on a firm foundation for that output, which means we should be able to exceed a combined Model S, X and 3 production rate of 4000 vehicles per week and climbing rapidly. This is already double the pace of 2017! By the end of this year, I believe we will be producing vehicles at least four times faster than last year.?

  It took five years to reach the 2000/week production rate for S and X combined, but only nine months to achieve that output with Model 3. Mind-blowing progress!

  Couldn’t be more proud to work with you,


  (原标题:马斯克“救火”特斯拉 带来一个好消息一个坏消息|马斯克|特斯拉)
